Authentic Alignment
“Empowering Your Divine Life Purpose,” is the first of thirteen inspiring stories of courageous women finding their "true calling.” This chapter featuring my own personal and professional life story, will give you powerful practices to overcome your own challenges in becoming your authentic self. What are you passionate about when you are living life to the fullest? How can you be more loving, compassionate, and spiritual? How do you express your gifts and talents to make a positive difference being of service in life? I've experienced so much personal, professional, and spiritual growth from staying true to myself and my higher divine purpose; to be a healing ray of light and love to those open to receiving and transforming their lives. This book will make a big impact on so many people who aren't satisfied with just getting by, are having health challenges, or are living on “the edge” in their relationships and/or career. Get ready to experience REAL success by living your truth, being joyful, loving, abundant, happy and excited about being truly alive at this momentous time in history.
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Retreat & Receive YOUR Free Copy of
Authentic Alignment