Rayna is a gifted intuitive, author, marriage and family therapist, master hypnotherapist, conscious channel, and transformation coach. She has over 25 years of experience facilitating powerful psychospiritual energy and sound healing sessions in her office, on the phone, in her presentations, seminars, work/playshops and her
Dolphin Healing Adventure in Hawaii.
She works with individuals, couples, families, businesses, and organizations in the health, education, and corporate worlds.
What is InnerSuccess?
What is InnerSuccess?
An inner experience of loving yourself, feeling good being YOU, and creating success and fulfillment in all areas of your life from the inside out.
What is InnerSuccess Transformations?
A Holistic Psychospiritual Therapy to Heal Mind, Body, Spirit and Emotions, Relationships, Career, & Finances.
InnerSuccess Transformations was created by Rayna Lumbard, MA, LMFT, MHT to support individuals, couples, families, and groups to release negative core beliefs and stuck energy holding them back from manifesting loving relationships, successful careers, financial abundance, vibrant health, fulfilling, purposeful, and passionate lives. Why settle for less than your best?
When you experience InnerSuccess on a deep core level, you naturally feel empowered from a balanced, more centered place within your body, mind, spirit and emotions. When you expand your inner awareness, you discover valuable keys to being truly successful in life from the inside out. I create powerful intuitively guided psychospiritual processes to support you in transforming your life! InnerSuccess Transformational processes access and nurture your bright, creative, free-spirited inner child, the part of you that naturally experiences pure joy, self-love, and a positive mind-set unless taught otherwise. This is how true success feels inside YOU no matter how old you are! As we know, "Fame and fortune can't buy you happiness." It is your birthright to feel secure, peaceful, happy, fulfilled, and excited about what life has to offer! You all deserve to enjoy life!
In the safety and comfort of my office or your own space at home or out in nature, you learn to deeply relax, breathe deeply and begin releasing pain that has been buried in your body and emotions. With my expert support and positive guidance, you feel safe enough to let go of repressed painful subconscious memories and negative thinking from your past that are no longer serving you.
InnerSuccess Transformational Therapy includes Your Inner Wisdom Journey and Higher Light Connections, powerful processes that not only resolve your issues in the moment, but heal deeper wounds in your mind, body, spirit, emotions, relationships, social life, career, & finances. A wonderful "side effect" to this caring approach is the soul growth and learning you experience to positively carry you through your lifetime challenges with courage and renewed strength.
By opening your consciousness to Higher Truth, your new life may even unfold in miraculous ways you couldn't even imagine before. I invite you to begin trusting and listening to your own Higher Self, the all-loving part of you that is connected to Universal Spirit. When you do, you can forgive, let go, release fears, anger, resentments, sadness and grief. You more easily take action and make decisions that really work, are in your best interest, and move your life forward! Are you ready to stop sabotaging and start manifesting genuine success from the inside out in ALL areas of your life?
InnerSuccess Transformational Therapy lights your unique path to a lifetime of abundance and personal fulfillment. Are you ready to fully express who you really are from your deep core Self?
What is Transformational Hypnotherapy?
Transformational Hypnotherapy is a powerful modality that supports you in resolving personal problems quickly & safely. Because all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, you are always in control of what happens. Rayna guides you to relax, breathe deeply, and tune into your subconscious mind, body, emotions, spirit, & soul to transform deeply held self-defeating behaviors, unhealed traumas, negative beliefs & attitudes to actualize your full potential, life purpose, optimal health, career, relationships, and financial abundance.
What is Psychospiritual Energy Healing
Psychospiritual Energy Healing profoundly accelerates your innate healing abilities & rebalances energetic patterns & the chakras. Rayna uses Reiki, Quantum-Touch & Sound Healing to gently release stuck energy, balance & promote the healing of body, mind, emotions, and spirit for transformational soul growth. She master-fully connects you with your Higher Self, your true authentic Self. You receive positive energy to promote feeling good, vibrant health, balance, & long-lasting success.
A few sessions can quickly clarify and transform past, present or future issues or problems in your relationships, health, business or career.
What is Transformational Success Coaching?
Coaching is a co-creative relationship that assists people to prioritize and accomplish life goals, find balance, & fulfill their life purpose. Once a way to catapult business executives & professional athletes to the pinnacle of success, coaching has found an important niche in the everyday lives of ordinary people. In fact, you can discover how extraordinary you really are through the coaching process!
You may wonder how you can benefit from professional/personal life coaching. Are you dissatisfied with not reaching your goals in your career, finances, health or relationships? You may need an expert to explore what you really want, discover your true purpose in life, and brainstorm creative ways to make it happen. If you still feel stuck you would benefit from deeper inner work to discover your true gifts, talents & passions in life based on your interests & core values. As your success coach I support you in being aware of & releasing negative thoughts sabotaging your success and happiness. It is vital to trust your inner & higher guidance to know intuitively what actions steps will move you forward to expressing yourself, enjoying life more fully, and achieving your goals and dreams. Success Coaching combined with InnerSuccess process work are powerful healing tools for personal growth & transformation!